How to Enjoy Your Pool in the Fall: Activities & Maintenance Tips

How to Enjoy Your Pool in the Fall: Activities & Maintenance Tips

Even though the temperature cools down when autumn approaches, pool owners in Southern California can continue to swim and take advantage of other fun activities poolside during the fall months. Your investment can go a long way, from fun-filled family events to gatherings with friends and healthy activities such as water aerobics. Below, the San Diego pool and spa pros from San Diego Pools suggest some fall pool activities and tips that can keep your pool up to par in the autumn and early winter.

Continue Using It

In Southern California, sunbathing and swimming don’t have to stop in the fall. The activity may even be more relaxing because of the cooler weather. The autumn breezes can strengthen your metabolism and increase body chemicals that reduce anxiety levels and boost mental and emotional health.

To make swimming more comfortable in the fall, invest in a pool heater. Doing so keeps you and other guests warm in the pool during chilly days, evenings, and nights. There are different options to select from, such as heater pumps and gas heaters.

Lighting around the pool is another way to make swimming safer as the sun goes down earlier. LED light strips and in-pool lighting keep the area safe and provide a calm ambience.

Perform Water Exercises

Exercising in a pool is often easier in the fall. The cooler weather can provide a cold shock to the body that boosts the immune system. As a result, the body increases antioxidants, which fight off diseases and infections more consistently.

Water exercises in the fall can also relieve inflammation by constricting some blood vessels and reducing swelling. Dry skin issues are easier to fight off due to swimming laps during the cooler months.

Enjoy Nighttime Activities

With the cooler weather, movies around the pool are more enjoyable. You can rent a large television to host the event or set up a screen and projector on the patio or pool deck.

Besides movie nights, consider throwing holiday-themed events, such as Halloween gatherings. This holiday offers a thrilling experience for both kids and adults. You can include skeleton floats, decorative lights, Halloween treats, games, prizes, and more.

Late-night dinner outings around the pool are fun activities, regardless of whether you or your guests decide to take a swim or merely enjoy the ambience.

Keep the Pool in Good Shape

Closing down your pool is unnecessary in the fall months. However, it’s essential to maintain it despite the change in weather. For instance, the water chemistry needs to be monitored and adjusted regularly. If there are any leaks in the pool, you should have those issues repaired and parts replaced immediately.

Each week, you can use testing strips to monitor the water levels, clarity, balance, and temperature. These actions, along with keeping tabs on the flow rate, can ensure the swimming pool is safe for you as well as your friends and family.

If you’re ready to transform your home into the perfect year-round refuge with a custom pool, call on the experienced pros at San Diego Pools. We’re the swimming pool contractor San Diego families have trusted for more than forty years to turn their dreams into reality. Give us a call today to learn how our innovative designs and high-quality custom construction can be ideal for you and your family.

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