What Number of Laps Should You Swim for a Good Workout?

What Number of Laps Should You Swim for a Good Workout?

Swimming laps is a great way to get some exercise even if you’re not swimming competitively. As for how many laps is actually a “good swim,” the answer varies based on factors such as your swimming abilities and goals with lap swimming. Below, we take a moment to go over general lap swimming recommendations.

Beginning Swimmers

If you’re just getting started with lap swimming, aim to do 20 to 30 laps in roughly half an hour. This allows for a sufficient workout in a relaxed setting without too much pressure. You’ll also have more time to work on your form and technique.

Intermediate Swimmers

For swimmers with intermediate swimming abilities, the general recommendation is to strive for around 40 to 50 laps—also for half an hour or so. This gives you a chance to get a more strenuous workout in a more relaxed environment. Plus, the natural buoyancy of the water means a “strenuous” workout isn’t necessarily going to be too difficult.

Advanced Swimmers

If you’re at a more advanced level with your swimming, you probably prefer a swimming experience that pushes you a bit. The general recommendation for experienced or competitive swimmers is around 60 laps—or more, if you’re able to do so.

Developing a Regular Lap Swimming Routine

Lap swimming is going to be more beneficial for you if you stick to a regular routine. This means setting aside time each day—or at least on certain days of the week—to do your lap swimming. You can even divide your lap swimming sessions up if you’re limited on time. For instance, you might do 15–20 laps in the morning before work and finish up after work or later in the evening when you have a bit more time.

Breaking up your laps like this has additional benefits. With morning lap-based workouts, you’ll get some extra energy to start your day. With your later-day lap sessions, you’ll work off excess energy and enjoy a better night’s sleep.

Quick Lap Swimming Tips

• Warm up – Do a shorter lap swimming session first that’s only about 4–5 laps or so. This serves as a warm-up for your muscles before you do your full laps.
• Gradually step up your pace (and laps) – Go the slow and steady route with your laps, and make an effort to increase your pace and the number of laps you do per session. This is good for you physically, and it keeps you mentally motivated, too!
• Be realistic with your goals – If you’re at the beginning level, it’s essential to do this. Otherwise, you’ll be less motivated to keep up with doing laps on a regular basis.
• Invest in a backyard pool or lap pool (if you don’t have one) – Become even more motivated to stick to your lap swimming routine by talking to a pool builder about a pool for your backyard. This way, you won’t have to limit your laps to certain hours.

If you’re looking for the perfect way to boost your physical fitness levels, swimming laps in a pool might be exactly what you need. As an award-winning swimming pool builder San Diego families and businesses have trusted for more than four decades, San Diego Pools can create a custom pool for you that offers a great way to exercise as well as a place to relax and get away from it all. Give us a call today at 888-707-7786.

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