6 Great Pool Games the Entire Family Can Enjoy

6 Great Pool Games the Entire Family Can Enjoy

You already know a backyard underground pool is a great place to swim, relax, and get some exercise. It’s also a perfect location for convenient family fun when you’re looking to keep everyone entertained and relaxed on warmer days in the San Diego area. Keep reading for our recommendations for six instantly appealing pool-based games that can be fun for the whole family.

1. Ring Toss

All you need for this game is a pool noodle and some waterproof rings. The goal is to toss the rings around the noodle. There’s still some challenge to this one, since the “target” is always moving in the water. Whoever gets the most rings around the noodle wins.

2. Underwater Races

You may have heard this one referred to as dolphin or mermaid races, but the concept is the same. The goal is to see who can hold their breath and swim farthest underwater. This is also a good game for newer swimmers in your family who are just learning the basics of breathing under the water while swimming. One way to play this game is to pair people off. Another option if you’re having a larger family pool party is to break up into two teams.

3. Treasure Hunt

Pool-based treasure hunt games involve diving for things tossed into the pool after they sink to the bottom. Coins tend to work well, but you can also play this one with small toys and trinkets. The winner is whoever retrieves the most items. Another way to play this one is to pair off people and do multiple rounds so everyone has more of a chance to collect “treasure.”

4. Pool Basketball

For this game, you’ll need a hoop that can be set up on one side of the pool and waterproof balls of some sort that can be thrown into the hoop as the game is played. Just divide up into two teams and see who scores the most baskets while in the pool.

5. Watermelon Relay

If you pick up some extra watermelons at one of the many farmers’ markets throughout the San Diego area, consider having a relay race in the pool with these large fruits. Play this game by:

• Dividing into two teams
• Going to one side of the pool or the other
• Taking turns pushing a greased watermelon to one side of the pool and back—use vegetable oil, since it’s biodegradable

The team that wins is the one that gets the most watermelons to their respective side. You can also play this game as a timed race if you prefer to up the challenge level.

6. Marco Polo & Other Classics

The ultimate classic pool game is Marco Polo, named after the 13th-century Italian explorer. Played with at least two people, all you do in this game is close your eyes and try to find anyone else in the water. It’s essentially a variation of tag. Other classic water-based games to consider for family pool fun include:

• Cannonball Contest – Players clutch their knees while diving into the pool in this classic pool game. The winner is whoever makes the biggest splash in the pool.
• Belly Flop Contest – Again, the winner here is the family member who makes the biggest splash in the pool. In this instance, a leap is made into the pool with arms spread wide and the stomach prominently outward.
• Diving Contest – Any family members not participating can serve as judges for a diving contest and determine winners based on things like best form, longest jump, etc.

If you don’t have a pool yet but you’re ready to get started, reach out to the experienced pros at San Diego Pools. We’re the experts in pool construction in San Diego homeowners have trusted for more than four decades. Give us a call today at 888-707-7786 to learn how we can help you create the perfect design with just the right features that make your pool the one you’ve always dreamed of.

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