How Often Should You Shock Your Pool?

How Often Should You Shock Your Pool?

Shocking is the process of adding certain chemicals to your pool to maintain balance and overall water quality. This is done with the use of a product called “pool shock,” which is a form of chlorine that can be either liquid or granular. Regardless of the option you prefer to use with shocking, it’s important to know when to take this step. We offer recommendations and guidelines below.

Wait until the Sun Goes Down

Shocking should never be done when the sun is out, since the combination of excess heat and the sun’s rays will cause it to be less effective. The best time of day to shock your pool is after the sun goes down. You should also wait until the pool is empty, since shocking should never be done when anyone is in the water. On a related note, it’s better to shock your pool when the filter is running. Doing so helps the shock treatment spread evenly throughout the water.

Shock (on Average) Every 1–2 Weeks

When you’re actively using your swimming pool throughout the warmer months of the year, a good rule of thumb is to shock your pool at least once a week. If there are some weeks when you don’t really use your pool too much and it’s properly covered, you should be fine with skipping those weeks. Shocking every other week can also work if your pool is only lightly used and covered when it’s not being used.

Be Aware of Other Times when Shocking May Be Necessary

We also recommend shocking your pool after the water is affected by rain, heavy use, or other factors that could throw off the chemical and chlorine balance in the water. This means it’s generally a good idea to shock your pool if any of the following circumstances apply:

• You’ve just had a severe storm, high winds, or other weather-related event
• Your pool was recently heavily used, such as after a pool party
• You’ve had issues with younger children and/or pets relieving themselves in your pool
• There’s been a significant change in your pool’s water level

Know How to Shock Your Pool

Specifically, the purpose of shocking a pool is to lower amounts of chloramines, which is the term used to describe pool-related compounds containing chlorine and ammonia. If you need a quick reminder, here’s the typical process for pool shocking:

• Test the water first to see if the free chlorine level is lower than the total level—if it is, it’s time to shock
• Pre-dissolve your shock first if you use the granular form
• Add the mixture to your pool’s water as the filter is running
• Check your water again after shocking to determine if it’s properly balanced

Note: Use 2 pounds of pool shock for every 10,000 gallons of water.

If you take care to maintain your pool on a routine basis, you can keep it clean, prevent damage to its mechanical systems, and avoid the need for costly repairs. If you haven’t yet built your pool, reach out to San Diego Pools, the pros with decades of experience. As the leading experts in San Diego pool construction, our team of design and construction professionals is dedicated to building exactly the pool you want and providing you with the highest-quality service in the industry. To get started on building the pool of your dreams, call us today at 888-707-7786.

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